Sunday, 27 January 2013

2013 - Balance

The second half of 2012 had so much going on that it flew by and I can't believe my last post was back in July. My biggest news is that I have become a consultant for The Chefs Toolbox ( I bought some of their pans nearly 10 years ago and am still using them so I thought I might have enough experience and definitely enough love for them to be able to demonstrate. My sewing did take a back seat to business setup.

I am determined to balance home, business and sewing - blog this year.

Wendy and Dawn from Sew it's Finished have allowed me to be a posting member again this year and they will keep me on track. I really want the stitcheries from the 2012 incentive quilt they designed..... Due to my lack of blogging August onwards I missed a few........ This quilt has now been added to my UFO list.
I have made some changes to my lists on my side bar - I think I added as many UFO's to my half done list as I added completed to the completed 2012 list. I think we all paddle that boat.

Just getting my head around blogging again and will add the button for Sew it's Finished and some new blogs etc.

I have spent the last two weeks with laryngitis and a wracking cough so sewing has been out of the question, I stabbed my self one too many times.........

Looking at the date I am really going to have too motor to get a UFO finished by the end of January - Focus
This will be a photo free blog, I suppose this is a little like a new years resolution or mission statement. If I put it in writing it will hold me accountable.

So my key word for this year is Balance..............

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